This month we’re looking at lung function and airborne exposure.
Worksafe is taking this very seriously as proven by a recent incident with a New Zealand company. So therefore it’s important that employees are provided with the correct knowledge and skills to meet the appropriate safety requirements. 

For us employee wellness isn’t about compliance and box ticking. It’s about empowering people through education and empathy, to live their best lives. So, while we may be the largest private provider of these services in New Zealand, there’s one thing that never changes: and that’s our deeply caring approach that builds trust and understanding.

Chemical and Airborne Exposure

For the next three years, WorkSafe has indicated they will focus on carcinogens and airborne exposure risks such as; asbestos, silica, welding fumes, and wood dust.

What is Worksafe doing about it – A New Zealand company has recently been fined $250,000 for failing to protect staff from exposure to methyl bromide. This was due to problems with Respiratory Protective Equipment not fitting correctly or being worn.

To read the article on the WorkSafe website, click on the link below.

Business fined for failing to protect workers from methyl bromide exposure.

Are you doing everything necessary to prevent exposure to you and your staff? For more information from WorkSafe about airborne risks and the Clean Air programme, you can read more here: Carcinogens and Airborne Risks.

Lung Function

Since 2018, Life Care has conducted over 80 000 spiro assessments and averages more than 16,500 per year. We see an average 2% deterioration in spirometry results annually (all age groups).

It has long been known there are substances or processes using certain substances which damage a person’s lungs, can affect their breathing, impact their everyday way of life, and can bring a premature end to their life. Many have been primarily identified as risks within a workplace and interestingly, it is only in recent historical terms, that this exposure to risk is acknowledged and accepted by the PCBU as well as the worker and more so, where protecting the worker and measuring the effectiveness of the solutions put in place to protect them, has become a global legal necessity. Click here to read more:

The correct use of a respirator is not as simple as giving someone a mask and expecting them to use it. Your respirator must fit securely and be looked after to provide the best protection for your staff. 

Life Care Wellness: a safe pair of hands to care for the health and wellbeing of your people through assessment and monitoring programmes. Our Respirator Fit tests teach your team how to care for and wear their equipment for correct use.

Click here to read more.

If you would like to know more about our Training Courses and Services,

please call us 0800 493 559 and our friendly team will be able to assist you.